Garden Gifts For Mother’s Day
April 30, 2022

It is almost Mother’s Day.  Stumped for that perfect gift?  Give the gift of gardening to the mother in your life.  Here are some suggestions that are sure to please. 

Begonia flowers


While cut flowers are soon spoiled, flowering plants can give years of satisfaction.  Flowering houseplants can brighten any room.  Outdoors, warm-season annuals can really make your landscape beds pop for Mother’s Day.  Our top five are: 

  • Begonias (Begonia x benaratensis
  • Salvia (Salvia officinalis
  • Impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri) 
  • Sunpatiens 
  • Sweet Potato Vine (Ipomoea batatas)  
outdoor funiture in a yard

Outdoor Furniture 

Sitting outdoors in nature has been shown to make people feel better.  Of course, you need something to sit on.  Give the gift of durable outdoor furniture that is comfortable and looks great.  Furniture needs to be sturdy and resist the weather or it will not look nice for long.  Of course, if you have a roofed outdoor living space, the furniture can be nicer than if you put it out without any protection. 

birdfeeder on a pole in a yard

Bird Attractants 

Bird watching is a widely popular activity for a reason.  They are so fun to watch, and you never know what species will show up.  Many people put out bird feeders, birdbaths, and birdhouses to encourage birds to linger in the yard.  You can even get birdhouses with a clear wall that sticks to a window so you can watch the parents raise their chicks.  Remember that most birds are territorial so you may need more than one feeder to accommodate them all.  Hummingbirds are notorious for protecting a feeder, so spread several out in your landscape.


wildflowers in a flower bed

Wildflower Mix 

It is no secret that bees and other pollinators are in trouble.  Do your part by dedicating an area to wildflowers that bloom from spring through the first frost.  There are many places to get wildflower mixes for our area.  All you have to do is sprinkle the seeds on a prepared bed and water them in.  Mother nature takes care of the rest.  These colorful beds look nice while doing good.


Water Feature 

Water features can be mesmerizing to watch and make a pleasant burble to listen to.  Just try to stay tense while around one.  A water feature can be as simple as a large pot with a bubbler on the porch or as complicated as a huge wall of water flowing into a pond.  There is something for every budget.  

Garden Care Subscription 

Give the gift of a beautiful and maintenance-free landscape.  Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping can take care of your landscape all year long with our garden care subscription plan.  Lauryn Pitts, our new garden care specialist and her crew will do everything from getting your landscape ready for spring to monitoring the health of all your plants every month.  Call today at (816) 825-2524 to get a free estimate for your landscape garden care subscription and to get on our schedule.   


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