The heat of summer is finally starting to fade, and Labor Day is over. That means it is time to swap your tattered summer flowers for new fall ones. Here are some of our favorite flowers to plant for fall color.

Chrysanthemums are spectacular bursts of color. Originally a golden yellow, chrysanthemums have been developed that have almost any color of flower you desire. The blooms come in three forms: single, anemone, or decorative. Single mums look like daisies, with petals around a central disk. Anemone mums have a row of petals, then a disk-like row of florets that point upward, then a central disk. They have a cushioned appearance. Decorative mums have so many florets that they hide the central disk. Any of these types of mums will add a welcome pop of color to your landscape or planter. They need full sun to perform their best and last the longest.

Asters are related to chrysanthemums and also have florets around a central disk. Asters are native to North America. Plant breeders have made several improvements on the wild aster, including expanding the range of colors they come in. Asters have some of the truest blues of any plant. Butterflies like asters for their nectar. Asters, like mums, are brought into bloom when the day shortens. Most plants respond to long nights, but asters need short days to bloom. They also prefer full sun.

Pansies and Violas
Pansies were bred from violas. Pansies have four petals pointing up and one petal pointing down in their flowers, while violas have three petals facing up and two facing down. Both pansies and violas have been bred to come in many color combinations. Pansies are the flower that is always in bloom somewhere. In the winter, they bloom in the Southern United States, and in the summer, they bloom in the Northern United States. In the Kansas City area, the cool temperatures and abundant sunshine of fall are ideal for both pansies and violas to bloom. They need full sun as well to shine their brightest.
We have also found that pansies tend to overwinter in our climate and come back with great color in the cool spring season around easter and up through to Mother’s Day. What a treat they could be for the special someone in your life😊

Fall Planter Swap
Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping will be swapping out your planters soon if you have a seasonal planter subscription. We will be happy to come and plant some seasonal color in your flowerbeds, as well. This is also a good time to get on our schedule for winter hardscape work. Just give the office a call at (816) 825-2524 or schedule a consultation for hardscape work.