Fall Holiday Preparation 
October 31, 2023

The holiday season is fast approaching.  We know you want your outdoor living space to look its best, so we have some suggestions for getting ready for the fall holiday season. 

Pumpkins and gourds of many colors

Pumpkins and Gourds 

Pumpkins and gourds are stacked everywhere.  They add lots of fall colors to table arrangements and patio displays.  When carving your pumpkins, save the seeds to eat.  Simply wash them, salt them, and dry them in the oven for about thirty minutes at 350 F.  When you are done with your pumpkins and gourds, consider giving them to someone with livestock or to the zoo.  The animals will love the treat. 

A porch decorated with planters with colorful flowers in them and pumpkins of several colors.

Fall Color 

What would fall be without mums?  Chrysanthemums are only one of the wonderful plants you can use for fall color.  We wrote last month about the fall flower swap, so check out that article for some ideas.  We will also do a winter flower swap with evergreens and Christmas décor later in the season. 

Garden Care Mulching 

Now is a great time to add an inch of mulch to all your landscape beds and around your trees and shrubs.  The new mulch replaces the mulch that has decomposed during the summer.  It also brightens up the landscape, so it looks its best for your holiday parties.  We will be spreading mulch for our garden care clients, so you won’t have to do it yourself. 

A snow covered water hose on a deck.

Winterize Your Irrigation System 

It is time to winterize your irrigation system.  You can winterize your own system, but having it checked by a professional means it will be ready when you need it in the spring.  Having an irrigation specialist out to test your system, make any repairs, and drain it so you are ready for the winter is a wise investment.  Don’t wait too late, or you risk a frozen pipe.  Also, don’t forget to unhook your hoses from the house so that they don’t freeze and cause water to get in the house later. 

We Can Help Prep 

Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping can help get your outdoor living spaces ready for the party season.  Enroll in our garden care program, and we will spread mulch, trim plants, and generally spiff up the landscape.  We also do hardscape work during the winter.  If you want us to do your project, schedule a consultation before our schedule for the winter fills up. 


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