Instead of giving the special person in your life a bouquet of flowers that will die in a week sitting on the dining room table. This year, consider giving them a whole pot of colorful living flowers that last all season long. Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping experts will design a colorful planter just for you, come out and fill your container with potting soil and fertilizer, and install the plants. You may select the style and color pallet you prefer. With our seasonal subscription, you can give the gift of two- or four-season swaps so the planter doesn’t get old. What mother or wife wouldn’t love to come home to a new planter pot full of flowers to brighten the curb appeal of her home?

Our color planters come in five designs. Each contains a combination of thrillers, fillers, and some spillers. The Dynasty is a symmetric design that looks classic. It contains a formal evergreen and seasonal annuals. The Renaissance is asymmetric with an organic look. It contains an informal evergreen and seasonal annuals. The Noble contains a tall, whispy grass as the centerpiece surrounded by seasonal annuals. The Crown Jewel contains colorful, tropical annuals. Finally, the Chateau has mounding and cascading annuals.
You can choose from four types of color pallets. Complementary color sets contrast but complement each other. These color combinations are bright, punchy, and pop out and draw your attention. For example, you can choose blue and pink, blue and orange, purple and yellow, or pink and yellow. Monochromatic colors are one staple color in varying shades and tones. Polychromatic planters will include lots of color variety as available and suitable for the design you choose. Finally, analogous color planters have color sets that match and are similar in tone and feel, for a soothing, mellow look. Examples include pink and purple, blue and purple, and red and orange.
Our planters come in four sizes. Small planters are less than 16 inches in diameter. Medium planters are 17 to 21 inches in diameter. Large planters are 22-27 inches in diameter. We can also design a custom-sized planter over 27 inches for you.
Flower pots can require a lot of watering, especially in the heat of the summer. We use a water-conserving potting soil to help retain moisture longer. We can provide instructions for a do-it-yourself watering system that fits on the hose spigot, or we can install a professional watering system and tie it into your existing irrigation system if you need help with watering.
Ideal Customer
We know that lots of people enjoy going to the nursery and shopping for the perfect flowers for their home or even for their Mother’s house in the next for weeks. This program is not necessarily for those folks. This is for those who want to do something a little more special and customized for their loved ones. The value that we offer is to have it all done for you as a white glove service to be able to gift it to your special someone. Why not collaborate with your siblings and invest in a repeating seasonal subscription? It is the gift that keeps giving all year round. Right when you need it we will be out in the fall season to swap them out and to look great until we come back again for the winter arrangements just in time for the holiday season. Then again in the spring, we will have them freshened up before Easter.
We have several specials until Mother’s Day. If we plant two containers, you get $25 off. If we plant three or more containers, you get $50 off. If you sign up for a two-season swap, you get 10% off. If you sign up for a four-season swap, you get 15% off.
Give Us A Call
Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping is taking orders for these planters until Mother’s Day and will have the first planter out by the end of May. You can purchase a container from us or supply your own. You can see our flyer here for all the details. To reserve your custom-designed seasonal planter, call us at (816) 825-2524 or schedule a consultation. Remember, we need all orders by Mother’s Day, so contact us today.