Grubs are the larva of May/June beetles, masked chafers, Japanese beetles, and green June beetles. While the adult beetles can cause problems, it is the larva that cause dead spots in the lawn.
Grubs are white insects with a brown head. When disturbed, they curl in a C shape. The larger the grub is, the harder it is to kill. Damage due to grubs usually becomes noticeable in July and August, when the grubs are in their third instar or growth period.

Symptoms of Grubs
Grubs feed on the roots of turfgrass. When the roots of the grass are eaten, the grass wilts easily, then dies in irregular patches. You can pull on the turf above the surface of the ground and it will pull away easily. In fact, you can roll the turf up like a carpet.
Treating For Grubs
There are two kinds of treatments for grubs. The first is a stomach poison, which kills the grub after they eat roots with pesticide in them. The second is contact poison, where the poison is in the soil and the grub touches it. Both types of insecticides are effective when used properly.
Applications of insecticide are done in late July/early August in our area. You should water with about half an inch of water two or three days before pesticide application to bring the grubs up to the surface, where the insecticide can reach them. Spread the pesticide and carefully follow the directions on the package. After applying a granular insecticide, water the lawn with at least half an inch of water to drive the insecticide deep enough in the lawn to kill the grubs.
Problems After Treatment
If the thatch in your lawn is deeper than half an inch, it will absorb most of the insecticide. Since grubs don’t eat thatch, they will not be poisoned. Aerate or verticut your lawn to remove the thatch before treating the lawn if the thatch is deep. The other problem is caused by not watering enough after an insecticide application, so the poison doesn’t reach the grubs. In either case, you will not control the grubs despite the cost and effort of applying pesticides, so be sure to be thorough and diligent.

We Kill Grubs
Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping’s Blue Crew will kill the grubs in your lawn. We will also reseed the lawn, if needed, when fall arrives. Sign up for our lawn care subscription and we will make sure thatch doesn’t build up, the lawn irrigation is doing its job, and any grubs are treated and destroyed. Call (816) 825-2524 to sign up and let us handle the grubs.