Our Top 5 Trees for Residential Landscapes
January 31, 2022

Have you been considering adding trees to your property?   Trees can provide so many benefits for you and your family by creating shade and helping lower energy costs, providing privacy from unsightly neighbors, and of course, the beautiful flowers to let you know that Spring has arrived.  Choosing a tree can be a little overwhelming with all the different choices available.  Here are five of our favorite trees for residential landscapes. 

Jane Magnolia or Ann Magnolia (Magnolia liliiflora ‘Nigra’ × Magnolia stellata ‘Rosea’) 

Jane Magnolia tree in bloomAnn Magnolia tree
Both of these magnolias are part of a series bred by Francis DeVos and William Kosar in the 50s that are referred to as “the girls”.  The main difference between them is the flower.  Jane has whitish-pink flowers with more petals than Ann.  Ann has deep pink flowers with fewer petals. Jane grows to 12-15 feet tall and 8-10 feet wide.  Ann grows to 10-12 feet tall and 8-10 feet wide.  Both trees bloom in the spring and sporadically rebloom in the summer.  These are very pretty small trees to add to your landscape and fit well in a residential setting near houses and structures. 

Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica) 

Black Gum tree

Black gum, also called black tupelo, is a very nice shade tree that is underutilized in our area.  The green foliage turns to intense red fall color with hues of orange, yellow, and purple in the fall.  This striking tree is not messy.  It also adds welcome diversity to the landscape.  In our area, red maples are over planted, and they could be one disease or pest away from disaster.   Whereas the Black gum is underutilized and can produce equal if not greater fall color displays with a much better chance of long-term success.   Black gum gets 30-50 feet tall and is 20-30 feet wide at maturity.  They are usually found in moist well-drained soil along streams and creeks but will grow in dryer ground. 

Canada Red Cherry (Prunus virginiana ‘Shubert Select’) 

Canada Red Cherry tree

This medium tree starts the spring with fragrant white flowers.  Green leaves come next, then the leaves turn burgundy for summer and fall color.  The tree also produces tiny chokecherries, which can be pitted and used in jams and jellies.  Birds love the chokecherries too and will flock to your yard for them.  This cherry tree grows 25-30 feet tall and 15-20 feet wide.  Canada red cherry is water-wise and thrives in our area.  It has a straight trunk and uniform growth.   

Green Giant Arborvitae (Thuja standishii x plicata ‘Green Giant’) 

Green Giant Arborvitae hedge

If you need a fast-growing screening tree, the green giant arborvitae is the one for you.  It is much better than the other emerald green varieties that have multiple leaders, split, break, and die more than any other evergreen.  Green giant arborvitae does not do that.  The dense green foliage bronzes slightly in the winter.  This tree can grow to a height of up to 40 feet or more and a width of 12-20 feet at maturity, so it will make a tall screen.  The tree will grow up to 3 feet a year.  In the summer, ½ inch long cones emerge green, then ripen to brown in the fall.  These provide food for birds and small animals.  Green giant arborvitae is also less attractive to deer than other arborvitae. 

Redbud (Cercis canadensis) 

redbud tree in bloom

The redbud tree is a classic native tree for our region.  Redbuds naturally grow as an understory tree along the edges of wooded areas.  Mauve blossoms great the spring and bloom for 2-3 weeks.  The leaves emerge reddish in color, turn green in the summer, and yellow in the fall.  Newer varieties such as Hearts of Gold and Forest Pansy have great leaf color throughout the season.  The tree grows to 20-30 feet tall and 15-35 feet wide. 

Any of these trees can be a star in your landscape.  Want to plant trees this season?  Don’t fancy digging a big hole and planting them yourself?  Let us do it for you.  We have the equipment and know-how to give the tree the best chance to grow and shine.  Contact us at Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping to discuss your landscape needs.  We can design your landscape and plant the perfect trees for your property, and also help maintain them along with the rest of your landscape. 

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