Trees and shrubs are valuable members of your outdoor living space. Protect your investment by winterizing trees and shrubs to avoid winter damage.
Mulch is always helpful, but it is especially helpful in the winter. A three-inch-deep layer of mulch helps keep the soil moist and helps stabilize the soil temperature. Don’t let the mulch touch the bark of the tree or it will cause rot issues. Leave a three-inch margin around the trunk of the tree and spread the mulch over the area under the tree’s drip line.
Trees and shrubs need water even in winter. Water them well before the first freeze and once every month or so during the winter. Proper winter watering helps trees resist winter damage.
If you have trees and shrubs that are a little more fragile, consider installing a winter windbreak around them. A snow fence or burlap windbreak can reduce drying out and other winter wind-related injuries.
Anti-Desiccant Sprays
Evergreen trees continue to lose water through their needles even in the winter. They can be injured by losing too much moisture. When cold wind blows strongly, it can create a freeze-dry effect. One solution is to spray them with Wilt-Pruf, an anti-desiccant spray we use on our trees. You can read more about preventing evergreen winter burn in this article.
Young trees can get sunscald even in the winter. To protect their thin bark, wrap the trunk with tree wrap. The white wrap is available from nurseries and big box stores and it helps reflect the harsh light and protect the tree.
Snow Removal
Heavy loads of snow can break the branches of your trees and shrubs. After a storm, use a broom to gently shake the branches and knock the snow off of them. Be gentle, or you can break the branches. In light snows, a blower will work well for this too.
In the fall before the first storms, prune any diseased or broken branches. This will help prevent them from falling on your house or yard. It will also help prevent the branches from causing further injury to the tree when they tear away. Not to mention your shrubs will look way better with all the dead wood gone.
Rodent Protection
In the winter, food is scarce. Rodents, including porcupines, will chew the bark for food. You can prevent this by wrapping the trunk and branches in hardware cloth. The rodent’s teeth can’t penetrate the hardware cloth to reach the bark. Rodents also hate steel wool. It hurts their teeth and prevents them from chewing.
Avoid Deicing Salts
Be careful when using deicing salts. Don’t use them where the runoff when the ice melts will carry them around your trees and shrubs. The salt will poison the trees. If you see a rim of salt on the soil, flush it away with lots of water to protect your trees and lawn. Salt dries out the plant’s root zone, and lots of water will help dilute the effects.
We Can Help
Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping can help winterize your landscape. We do fall plant maintenance before the big storms of winter hit. Schedule a consultation on how we can care for your landscape all year with our garden care program.