Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Outdoor Spaces 
February 26, 2024

Many people engage in a vigorous spring cleaning of the whole house.  Don’t forget to clean your outdoor living space, too.  Here are some tips on things to be sure and do to prepare for spending a lot of time outside. 
person raking leaves

Clear Debris 

Over the winter, leaves and other debris end up on your patio, porch, lawn, and landscape beds.  Rake this litter up and remove it.  Many pests overwinter in leaves and organic debris, so removing it will help reduce your pest load as well as making the area look nicer. 

Inspect and Clean Outdoor Furniture 

Outdoor furniture takes a lot of abuse.  Clean it with soap and water to remove dirt that accumulated during the winter.  Inspect furniture, especially deck chairs and other things that stay outside in the weather, to make sure they do not have rust or damage that would make them break under use.  If needed, give the furniture a new coat of weather-resistant paint to spruce it up further. 
man powerwashing a driveway

Clean and Repair Your Patio or Deck 

Patios and decks need regular maintenance.  Sweep them off then inspect them for damage.  Stone and paver patios and decks need to be hosed off carefully to avoid washing the sand out of the joints.  Keep the water moving and don’t focus on the joints.  Wooden decks need to be hosed off, too.  Every two or three years, pavers and concrete should be chemically cleaned and resealed to keep them fresh and hold their color.  Wooden decks can be cleaned and stained, and sealed. 

Garden Bed Preparation 

Remove dead plants and debris.  Prune overgrown shrubs and cut back ornamental grasses and perennials to make room for new growth to sprout.  Adding a layer of fresh compost to add organic matter on top of the soil will help your plants thrive.   Apply slow release fertilizer to the plants to give them a boost and help them to grow well during the coming season. 

Inspect and Maintain the Grill 

If you have a grill, be sure and inspect it carefully and make sure all the connections are tight, there are no leaks, and you have a full tank of gas.  If your grill uses charcoal, clean out all the ashes and lay in a supply of charcoal for the coming grilling season.  Remove any rust from your grill and seal it so no further damage occurs. 

Revive the Lawn 

Rake the lawn to remove debris and thatch.  Spread a layer of compost on the soil and rake it in well.  Apply fertilizer and water well.  If you have bare spots, spread seed into the compost so it will fill in. 

Clean Outdoor Lighting 

Clean the surface of all your lights with a damp cloth.  Test each light to make sure the bulbs work.  Replace any burned-out bulbs.  Inspect the wiring for damage and repair any bad spots.  Make sure lights are aimed properly and re-aim any that have gotten knocked around during the winter storms. 

Inspect and Clean Gutters 

Before the spring rains, clean out your rain gutters.  Make sure the gutters are in good repair without any leaks.  Replace any damaged sections.  Make sure the downspout goes well away from the foundation.  If there is erosion from the downflow of water, place a weed barrier and rocks around it to protect your soil from washing away. 

Check and Repair Fencing 

If you have a fence, check for loose or damaged boards.  Replace any problem boards with new ones.  If needed, re-stain the fence or paint it to spiff it up.  Check gates to make sure they lock securely and will open easily. 

Organize Outdoor Storage Areas 

Clean your outdoor storage areas.  Arrange and organize the items in it so you can find what you are looking for.  Remember to keep fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals under lock and key so children and pets do not get into them. 

Pest Control 

Bugs and rodents come out in the spring.  If pests are eating your plants, you can use an insecticide to help control them.  Keeping your landscape clean from debris is a great way to safely limit pests before using chemicals. 

Add Some Greenery 

Add shrubs to replace any that died during the winter, like evergreens that got winter burn. We usually use Mother’s Day as a mark of when frost chances are gone to add seasonal color annual flowers.  New plants are a fun way to start the year and add interest to the garden. 

Get Help with Spring Inspections 

Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping can help get ready for the outdoor season.  We can inspect your lights and make sure they are working properly and are aimed in the right direction.  We offer patio maintenance and have the equipment and trained staff needed to do it properly.  Finally, we offer a garden care program that includes weeding, pruning, new mulch, and pre-emergent to leave your landscape beds crisp and renewed.  Call the office at (816) 825-2524 to get more information or schedule a consult


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