Trees and shrubs still need water in the winter, they just don’t need it as often. Not sure how to water your different types of plants now that the irrigation system has been winterized and the water hoses brought in? Read on as we help explain the process.

Deciduous Trees and Shrubs
Deciduous trees and shrubs lose their leaves and go dormant during the winter. They still need water to function but do not need as much water as when they are actively growing. The trees and shrubs can benefit from a good soaking before the weather is consistently below freezing and the soil starts to freeze. Some more southern plants, such as magnolias, crape myrtles, and ajuga ground cover will especially benefit from a few deep soaks before the cold sets in. This makes sure the trees and shrubs have access to water if the soil freezes deeper than their roots grow. This is especially important for young plants as their roots are not as established as older plants. Be sure to check that the mulch is at least 3” thick around the root zone but not burying the trunk of the plant. This will help the moisture to soak in and not evaporate as quickly.
To water these plants, make sure to focus on the root zone all around the tree or shrub and about 3 feet from the trunk. Fill this area with water. Let the water sink into the ground. Repeat 3-5 times, until the water stands instead of sinking in. It is easier to do a group of trees or shrubs at once, so you don’t have to wait for the water to go down in plant one all the time. You can move to plants 2-5 and come back to the first plant after the water has soaked in to continue watering it. Make sure that you unhook the hose from the spigot and bring it in when done so it doesn’t freeze. If hoses stay hooked up too long during freezing temperatures it may cause pipes to burst or even flooding inside the home or basement.

Evergreen Trees and Shrubs
Evergreens continue producing chlorophyll during the winter, so they will need water all winter long. New evergreens will especially need to be watered since their roots are not as established. While snow adds some water, it isn’t enough. Snow has a lot of air in it, so one inch of snow does not melt into one inch of water. Heavy, wet snow that is 4-5 inches deep melts into one inch of water, while powdery, light snow that is ten inches deep may also melt into one inch of water. The consistency of the snow affects the moisture that will ultimately reach the plant’s roots.
It is extremely important to water newly planted evergreens deeply before the temperature stays reliably under freezing in the same way you water your deciduous trees. When there is a break in the weather and it gets above 50F, everyone runs outside to enjoy the sun. Evergreens enjoy the warmth, too, but get especially thirsty on these warm days. Remember to soak your evergreens deeply so they can continue their role as the stars of the landscape in winter. Lack of water can not only cause winter burn, but it can also kill evergreen plants outright. Since evergreens are typically the most expensive plants in the landscape, replacing them could also be costly.
WiltPruf® Your Evergreens
Before the weather starts to freeze, you can apply WiltPruf®. This is a product made from some of the chemicals found in pine pitch that builds a molecular film over the leaves or needle. This film helps stop the loss of water through the evergreen’s water pores. It wears away molecular level by molecular level so should be reapplied every 3-4 months if the weather is still cold. WiltPruf® must be applied when the air temperature is warm enough to keep it from freezing before it reaches the evergreens. It is cured by ultraviolet light, so make sure there are at least 3-4 hours of sunlight left in the day before applying it.
We can care for your trees and shrubs and make sure they have what they need to get to survive the winter. Royal Creations can help deeply water your trees and shrubs to prepare them for the cold. We can also coat the evergreen trees and shrubs with WiltPruf® to help prevent winter burn and other winter problems. The Blue Crew can help with all your garden care needs, including maintaining your ornamental trees and shrubs, all year round with our “Royal Treatment” program. Contact Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping today to schedule a consultation to see what we can do for your landscape.