Winter Bird Feeding Tips for a Vibrant Yard
February 12, 2024

Watching birds is a nice way to spend some time in the winter when it is too cold outside for people to be comfortable.  Feeding birds makes sure you have some birds to watch.  Here are some winter bird feeding tips to help you attract the birds you want to your yard. 
Two birds feeding at a bell shaped bird feeder in the snow

Food Determines Bird Species 

Cheap bird seed mixes have a lot of fillers that birds, like choosy teenagers, will pick through and waste.  The best general food for birds is black-oil sunflower seed.  The thin shells are easy to get into for most birds and the high fat helps the birds stay warm.  Suet placed in a suet holder is another source of calories birds appreciate in the winter. 
two birds feeding at a bird feeder with peanuts in it

Feeders Can Be Simple 

You can buy very fancy feeders, but for beginners, a hopper-style feeder is easiest.  Suet goes in a suet holder.  Be sure to wire the suet holder closed, or an enterprising raccoon will take the suet cake out of it and leave with it. 

Choose a feeder with a roof to protect the seed from getting wet and moldy.  Make sure the feeder has drainage holes so any water that does get in has a place to go.  Use several feeders of different styles to attract more birds. 

Location, Location, Location 

Feeders need to be five or six feet off the ground and around ten feet from cover such as trees, bushes, and wood piles.  Cats and other predators can hide in cover and ambush birds, but birds need someplace to hide if necessary, so some cover if needed.  If you are worried about birds hitting your windows, then either place the feeders so close to the window the birds can see it (within three feet) or place the feeders so far away they have no reason to fly near the window (at least thirty feet away.) 

Be Consistent 

It may take a few weeks for birds to find your first feeder.  Once they do, be consistent and fill it regularly.  The birds will come to rely on the food, and it can even cause problems if you feed for a while and then abruptly stop. 

Cleanliness For Health 

Remove wet and moldy seeds promptly.  They can make the birds sick.  Wash the bird feeders in a solution of ten percent bleach and ninety percent water to kill diseases and remove droppings.  Rinse with fresh water and dry before filling the feeders with seeds. 
birds bathing in a bird fountain

Provide a Source of Water 

Birds need water even in the winter.  If you can provide a source of water with a fountain heater in it, the birds will be able to drink even in the cold.  Fountain heaters float on the surface of the water and have a heating element down below that keeps the water from freezing.  You can get them at feed stores or plant nurseries. 

Plant Things with Winter Berries or Seeds 

Plant shrubs and trees that have berries or seeds that last all winter.  Not only will the berries bring color to your landscape, these natural sources of food will also draw birds to your yard, too.  

Sign Up Now 

Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping is keeping busy, even in the winter.  We are signing people up for our garden care program now.  We are also doing design work with people so we can start installing landscapes when it warms up.  Call the office at (816) 825-2524 or schedule a consult. 


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