Winterizing Your Trees
October 28, 2024

As we’ve chatted about winterizing your landscape over the past few weeks, let’s not forget about your trees—they need some extra love before the snowflakes start falling. Think of it as tucking them in for a cozy winter nap! Here are some fun tips to keep your trees happy and healthy all winter long. 

Evergreen trees covered in snow

Trees need winterizing, too. 

Remove Problem Branches 

Got dead, broken, or diseased branches? Time to prune them away! It’s like giving your tree a little haircut. Cutting off these troublemakers not only keeps your tree looking sharp, but it also prevents broken branches from ripping bark off the trunk. And remember, diseased branches should go straight to the trash, not the compost—no spreading that bad vibe. 

Drench Soil Before The Freeze 

Once the ground turns into a frozen wonderland, any water trapped in the soil becomes a solid block of ice. If you haven’t watered adequately, the roots below won’t be able to sip any hydration. So, before winter truly settles in, give your soil a deep drink.  Turn on your hose until it starts to trickle, then place it about three feet from the trunk and let it soak for about an hour. You may need to move the hose around every 10-15 minutes as it starts to pool up, so you can spread the love.  Repeat this until the soil under the entire dripline is saturated—your tree’s roots will thank you for the winter spa treatment! 

Deciduous trees are in hibernation mode during winter, but they still need a little love—water them about once a month on those warm, sunny days. 

Evergreen trees, on the other hand, are like those energetic kids who never stop! They don’t fully go dormant, even in the coldest weather, and they need more water than their deciduous friends. So, whenever it’s above 40 degrees, do a quick soil check. If it feels dry, give those evergreens a drink to keep them happy come the spring growing season and prevent winter burn. 

Winter burn on an evergreen tree. 

Winter burn on an evergreen tree. 

Protect Against Winter Burn 

Winter burn is like a cold injury for evergreens, showing up when new growth starts in spring. You might notice brown needles or leaf edges, and it can range from a few sad needles to a whole tree looking a bit worse for wear. 

Because evergreens keep a few pores open on their needles, they can lose moisture if the wind whips through. It’s like they’re out there shivering in the cold! To help them out, we recommend using an anti-desiccant spray, such as Wilt-Pruf, on your evergreen friends. This magical potion, made from a chemical found in pine pitch, creates a protective layer on the needles, preventing moisture loss. Just make sure to cover every nook and cranny, and give it a few hours to cure in the sunlight to be fully protected.  You can re-apply if needed after 60-90 days if needed depending on how harsh the weather conditions are. 

Avoid Getting De-Icing Substances On Trees 

Most de-icing solutions contain salt, which is like a big “no-no” for your trees. If salt seeps into the soil around them, it can be toxic. So, when the snow and ice start to melt, keep an eye out to make sure that salty slush doesn’t drain under the dripline of your trees. A little temporary berm can help channel that slush straight into the street—think of it as a mini snow moat! 

Remove Snow On Branches 

Too much snow on branches is like putting a heavy blanket on a sleeping child—there’s a good chance something might snap. After a snowstorm, gently shake off the snow to prevent breakage. Just be careful; we don’t want to wake the sleeping giants. This can also be a fun family activity—get the kids involved and let them help out while burning off some energy! 

A line of snow plows in a parking lot.

Our snowplows are ready for the snow to come. 

Get The Royal Treatment 

Royal Creations Architectural Landscaping provides snow/ice prevention and removal services for our commercial partners.  We can give your landscape the Royal treatment to protect your investment and make winter more pleasant.  Give us a call at (816) 825-2524 to get on our schedule.  Hurry, we are filling our schedule quickly. 


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